Saturday, May 31, 2008

Best Laundry Time Saving Tips

Doing laundry is a necessary, but time consuming task that each of us must endure. While many may approach this chore with ease, there quite a few people with approach it with dread. Laundry no longer has to be a dreaded activity. There are many time saving tips available that can allow you to complete this task in a timely manner. Here, you will be introduced to many different laundry time saving tips. If you are one of the many that do not look forward to this weekly ritual, the steps listed throughout this article can prove to be extremely beneficial.

The first laundry time saving tip that I will discuss with you is based on organization. We all know that if we are organized, things will get done in a more efficient manner. This is true for every single aspect of our lives. You may not believe it, but it is also true when it comes to laundry. If your laundry and the area that you do your laundry in is organized, you will find that it saves you a lot of time and energy when approaching this task. One of the first things that you want to do is set up different baskets for different types of clothes.

For example, you will want to set up a basket for towels, one for whites, one for shirts, one for pants, and so on. If you do this, you will find that you save a considerable amount of time in the area of laundry preparation and actually washing your clothes. You should also make it a point to make rules regarding laundry in the home. We will discuss examples of these rules towards the end of this article.

In your laundry area, it is best to set up a wardrobe area where you can hang up clothes and possibly even one with some drawers. The reason for this is when you get done with a load of laundry, you can go ahead and hang and fold the clothes right there. You can then place them on the wardrobe and in the drawers to be picked up and put away by the individuals who the clothes belong to. You may want to label off sections of the hanging wardrobe with each family member's name so that they know right which clothes are theirs.

You will also want to place labels on the drawer system that you set up so that each person knows which drawers contain their clothes. This is a great laundry time saving tip because it allows you to avoid the hassle of having to take it upon yourself to put everything away. If you have to do the laundry, fold and hang all the clothes, and put them away, it can take up a lot of time that could be spent doing other things that you enjoy.

Earlier in this article, I mentioned some laundry rules. Now, I will expound on examples of these rules. It is important to implement these if you are looking for some laundry time saving tips. One of the least favored rules, but best when it comes to time saving on laundry chores is to make certain that everyone puts their dirty laundry in the appropriate areas right side out.

There is nothing more time consuming than having to turn everyone's clothes right side out. In addition to this, you may want to provide everyone with large safety pins so that they can pin their socks together. This saves the hassle of having to match up all those socks and try to figure out whether the washing ate the missing ones...

As you can see, there are many different laundry time saving tips that can help make life easier when it comes to this time consuming chore. If you are looking for ways to get through this task easily, these tips can help you do just that!

Find Washing Machines and reviews of the top brands including GE, Miele and LG Washing Machines for their needs.

5 Ways to Simplify House Cleaning

Tired of cleaning? Does it always seem like your house is a mess? Even the best of us may find it difficult to keep up with house cleaning without spending hour upon hour scrubbing, vacuuming and dusting. When it comes time to really give your home a once over it may seem that a day isn't nearly enough o accomplish what you need to. Fortunately there are a few things you can do to keep your house clean and minimize the amount of time you dedicated to housework.

  • Make a Plan: Simplify housecleaning by making a plan of attack. Jumping into it without a plan can be overwhelming. Whether you're spring cleaning or just giving your house a good once over, create a plan that designates time for each task. Keep in mind this doesn't need to take place all in one day, so spread if out if that will work better with your schedule. IT doesn't have to be in depth. Set aside Mondays for laundry, Tuesdays for the living room and dining room, and Wednesday for the bedrooms. Sticking to this schedule can also help you keep up with your cleaning on a weekly basis without being overwhelmed.
  • Don't Wait: One dish in the sink may not seem like a big deal but within a few hours or days you'll find that it's multiplied into a monster. When you prepare a meal or dirty a dish, clean everything up afterwards. Waiting can make the dishes harder to clean and therefore you will be spending more time in the kitchen than necessary. The same is true for laundry. Instead of waiting for laundry day, once you have enough dirty clothes for a full load send it through the wash cycle.
  • Clean Surfaces Regularly: It's tempting to put off tasks like cleaning off the stove or wiping down the shower. After one meal or shower it seldom seems necessary to wipe down the counters, stove, sink, or shower; however, by doing so you will save time when it comes time to really give your house a good cleaning. Soap scum and grease can build up over time making it harder to remove regardless of how strong your cleaning solution is. Keeping on top of it will prevent this build up and therefore make it easier to care for in the long run.
  • Avoid Clutter: There is a fine line between decoration and clutter, and it's one we often cross with little or no concern. You may love those trinkets you have all over the coffee table and mantle but they can actually make it hard to keep your home looking clean and organized. Too much clutter can increase the sight of dust, make a room look smaller, and make cleaning a nightmare. Try to keep clutter to a minimum by choosing a few of your favorite pieces and putting the rest away. You can also invest in a hutch or a curio to store items that you want to keep in sight.
  • Invest in a Good Vacuum: Never underestimate the power of a great vacuum. This is especially true for those with pets or children. An otherwise clean living room can look disastrous when there is fuzz, crumbs, pet hair, and other particles on the carpet. A good vacuum can be one of your best allies in keeping your home clean as well as minimizing the amount of allergens that enter the air.

Imagine what your life would be like if you never had to scrub, vacuum, dust, or polish again. MaidPro can make your dreams a reality. With a team of trained professionals, we make it our business to provide homes across America with quality cleaning services at affordable prices. Visit us at It's about time!

How to Clean Automatic Coffee Maker

If you make lots of coffee with an automatic coffee maker, you will need to know how to wash it properly. The accumulation of the oils from the coffee can cause it to slow down and also harm the taste of your coffee. Seeing that no one wants to wait for 30 minutes for a pot of coffee to brew and then have it taste bad, the following steps should be followed to ensure that your coffee machine performs at its best.

One way is to get a solution that is specifically made for cleaning automatic coffee machines. It is easy to use and all you have to do is pour it in, run it through and your coffee pot will be clean. However, if you do not wish to use this method, you can create your own solution.

Use an ounce of citric acid or white vinegar dissolved in four cups of hot water from the faucet. Add four cups of cold water from the faucet and pour this into the coffee maker just as you would the water when making coffee. Take out the coffee filter, putting it aside, turn your coffee pot on and only four cups of the citric acid and water run through the pot.

Turn your coffee pot off and let it settle for about twenty minutes. You are now ready to turn it back on and let the remaining water and citric acid to flow through. This should remove any residue from inside the coffee maker. The lime that can built up from your water will be flushed out of the coffee maker as well. This is another problem that can cause your coffee maker to not work properly.

When it is completed, depending on the amount of accumulation in your coffee machine , you may need to repeat it again. If so, wait until the coffee maker has cooled down. Do not forget to rinse it. You will need to run at least eight cups of cold water from your faucet through your device at least four times to make sure it is rinsed. When the water that cycles through is clear, your coffee maker is clean. This will likely last about three or four weeks before you have to do it again.

Another product that is recommended instead of the citric acid or vinegar is baking soda. About four tablespoons mixed with eight cups of water is used. Run it through the same as above and see if it works.

If this process does not work, it may be too late for your coffee maker. A lot depends on how thoroughly it has been cleaned from the beginning. After a certain amount of accumulation within the coffee maker it may be impossible to get it to dissolve. When this happens, it is time to get a new coffee maker.

Natalie Williams is the author of Visit her site for more free tips on how to select the right coffee machine for your needs.

How To Clean Your Patio Or Driveway

So you want to clean your driveway or patio, maybe you think the professionals are charging to much or maybe you think you will enjoy the experience. Let me tell you you wont! And the worst thing is once you have started it then you have to finish it, you can't leave it half finished can you?

Equipment really is everything as far as pressure washing a driveway or patio is concerned and I'm afraid your 100bar electric job just wont get the results you are looking for.

In fact I would go so far as to say you will probably be doing more harm than good by attempting to do this yourself and it could lead to costly repairs to the whole area, for example blasting away at that deep rooted weed could quite easily loosen up the pointing in between the slabs and once one bit flies off then another will soon follow then every week you will find another bit has gone missing, then another, then the slabs will start to wobble then they will start to dip where the sub base is being worn away then hey presto you're paying up to Ј25.00 a square metre to get it re-pointed.

Its the same with block paving only much quicker, you are quite happily blasting away at that moss when "Hey where is all that sand coming from?" That sand is being washed away from underneath your block-paving, it's the sub base that the blocks sit on. Next time it rains have a look at the puddles all over your driveway or patio and guess what..they will only get bigger!

Seriously leave it to the professionals, they have invested in the correct equipment, they know what they are doing and are worth every penny.

Daniel Lee is the proprietor of SavingPaving driveway and patio cleaning. More details can be found at

Tips On How To Maintain Your Hardwood Floor's Quality

Hardwood floors are the latest trend in many modern houses today. Rather than looking ancient, these type of flooring fits perfectly with many modern furniture and fixtures.

It is true that they look luxurious and elegant that will accentuate the beauty of your home's interior. But you have to take extra care in maintaining its quality look. Simply cleaning them with common household tools and methods might ruin it rather than maintaining its quality. Here are some tips to get your started.

Use Hardwood-Friendly Cleaning Agents

One tip is to avoid concentrated solutions in cleaning your hardwood floor. These chemicals can destroy the physical appearance of your hardwood by making them look worn and dull. In order to maintain the quality, use only prescribed pH solutions for it.

It's advisable to wipe them dry after you apply these cleaning agents. When applied on your flooring, they can give it the necessary shine that the hardwood is famous of. But if you leave them there long enough, they will easy corrode into the material and cause irreversible damage.

Use Soft Materials Only

It is very important to use soft materials when cleaning your hardwood floor to avoid scratches and abrasions. Avoid using straw brooms but use soft-bristled ones instead. You may also want to use vacuum cleaners first before sweeping the floor to remove the heavy dirt and grime, and leaving the rest to be swept off. Use soft-bristled attachments on your vacuum cleaner too, just in case!

When using cleaning agents, it's advisable to use damp mops with soft heads or sponges. If you are using cloths, go for cotton instead of other materials. You might want to shake of excess solid particles as an extra precaution. You should mop your floor daily to keep it shiny and beautiful. Note, however, that wet mops can cause damage instead of cleaning them. Only slightly dampen your mops to avoid unnecessary moisture.

Never Leave Stain

Like marble, liquid stains are one of the enemies of your hardwood floor. Spillage of acidic substances like vinegar, alcohol, and wine can greatly damage your floor, far worse than water stains. If left unchecked, it can cause spots and splotches that will be almost impossible to remove. Make sure that you mop them up quickly before they do any damage.

Hardwood floors are expensive and can greatly increase the value of your home; but they can be very sensitive to external causes that can be a threat to its overall quality. Following these tips above can greatly reduce the risk of such problems ever occurring on your precious floor.

Cultured Marble Care

A common bathroom surface material is cultured marble. Cultured marble is actually a surface composed of several materials, including marble dust, limestone and resin. The material is most common for bathroom vanity tops that have built-in sinks, but it can also be used for showers and bathtubs. No matter what surface is made of cultured marble, it is important to use the proper materials and procedures to keep it clean. Given its porous nature and malleable properties, cultured marble is not as resistant to stains and damage as other materials. There are, however, steps you can take to ensure your cultured marble surface lasts for years to come.

When it comes to cleaning cultured marble, keep one thing in mind. Do not use abrasive cleansers. Most cultured marble is sealed, and any cleansers containing abrasives or bleach can break down the seal. Water based cleansers work well for basic cleaning purposes. If you have soap scum or similar buildup on the surface, vinegar can break up the residue without harming the seal or cultured marble itself. If anything spills on the surface, be sure to wipe it up as soon as possible to prevent stains. Unlike other surfaces, cultured marble is susceptible to permanent stains, especially from materials such as hair dye and oil-based products. This is due to the variations in sealants used among cultured marble manufacturers. The safest course of action is to clean all spills right after they happen even if the manufacturer claims the seal will resist stains. Other options for preventing staining include placing a thick cloth over the surface while using products that can stain or using such products in areas that do not have cultured marble.

To maintain the finish of your cultured marble surface, consider how said surface looked when you first installed it. The main finishes available for cultured marble are satin and glossy. Satin, a low luster finish, requires little in the way of extra maintenance outside of regular cleaning. With glossy finishes, you may want to invest in a polish. Avoid polishes with carnuba wax, as these polishes are designed for less porous materials. Water or silicone based polishes are good options for this tricky surface. Some people may recommend polyurethane if the finish remains dull after polishing. Keep in mind, though, that it is difficult to apply polyurethane if you do not or cannot remove the cultured marble surface from the room. If the sealant spills on other fixtures, it can cause damage and may not be removed. Likewise, if the cultured marble has detail work, applying polyurethane into the crevices can take a long time. This is a project that can work with properly prepared cultured marble but is not recommended for those who are not able to invest a lot of time in the project.

Since cultured marble is more malleable than other kitchen and bathroom surfaces, it is more vulnerable to dings, scratches and similar imperfections. Use caution when holding heavy objects near or above cultured marble. Though it takes an object of great weight to cause noticeable damage, even a shampoo bottle can dent the surface. Such dents can change the overall texture of cultured marble over time. If you spot a dent or scratch on a solid colored surface, you can apply a small amount of appliance or car wax to fill in the gaps. However, if there are multiple flaws or if the surface is a unique color, have a professional rebuff and polish the surface for you. The cost will be higher than doing it yourself, but the finish will be more consistent throughout the surface.

Depending on your budget and ideas for your kitchen or bath, cultured marble can provide you with years of durability. Taking care of this material is different from maintaining stone or laminate. Most of the things you can do to maintain your cultured marble surface require little time on your part if practiced regularly. The key is keeping the seal in tact. Once you adjust your cleaning routine to accommodate this objective, your cultured marble will be around for years to come.

Elisa Dvorak worked at The Home Depot, concentrating on kitchen and bath remodeling. She has also helped with various do-it-yourself renovation projects.

Elisa is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/
which is a site for Creative Writing.

Why Dry Cleaning Is Essential For Naturally Dyed Rugs And Carpets

As our society becomes more environmentally friendly there is more and more interest in the use of natural as opposed to synthetic materials for interior decorating and in general making homes beautiful. Natural dyes used to make carpets and rugs such as Persian or Tibetan carpets do not negatively affect the environment or the waterways as many synthetic chemical dyes do and that makes natural dyes the superior choice for carpet manufacturers. As well natural dyes do not have a negative impact health wise on the people involved in the making of carpets and rugs such as the weavers and the dyers themselves.

Not only are natural dyes used for carpet and rugs healthier for the environment and its inhabitants, their beauty, intensity and vibrancy are unmatched. No synthetic dyes come close to what can be done with natural dyes . The gentle variations of natural dyes and the melding of colors make the color saturation process one that is awe inspiring and eye catching.

Of all of the methods of cleaning for naturally dyed rugs and carpets , dry cleaning is essential for the proper care and maintenance of the carpets throughout your home. Dry cleaning is a form of non-toxic carpet cleaning that does not use water and therefore does not encourage the growth of bacteria, mildew or dust mites.

Dry cleaning a naturally dyed carpet or rug is the number one choice because it dries very fast , which is to say that the carpet is clean and back to its normal look after only one to two hours and there is no hot water used so the carpets will not show any signs of fading due to the type of carpet cleaning used. Dry cleaning a carpet is safe for all types of fibres as well as fabrics whether they be wool, cotton or silk and most importantly, dry cleaning a carpet will do the environment good. This form of carpet cleaning is an excellent choice for allergy control and it is excellent for those who have children, pets or both.

No dry cleaning method uses water and a naturally dyed carpet or rug should never be rinsed with water. One method makes use of a foam or foam shampoo that is especially beneficial for light cleaning of small areas of carpets or for smaller rugs . The foam is sprayed onto the carpet and then worked into it by way of a brush or sponge. Once the carpet has completely dried it is vacuumed.

Another method of dry cleaning a naturally dyed carpet involves uses a material that looks a lot like wet sawdust but is actually a type of absorbent powder . A machine is used to distribute the substance on the carpet and any dirt that is in the carpet or rug will be pulled out and will attach itself to the sawdust like material. Once the carpet has been completely saturated with the material it is left to dry and then it is vacuumed out, catching the remainder of the carpet debris.

for more from john alice, go to

Salt, It's Not Just For Seasoning - 14 Uses For Table Salt

I've been a homemaker and working wife for over thirty-eight years. Because I'm always short on time, I look for cleaning and cooking shortcuts to save time and money. For instance, if you've ever gotten small splotches of blood on your carpet, you know the stain can be tricky to remove, especially after it's dried.

1. Try this; sprinkle plain table salt on the stain. Moisten a clean cloth and rub the cloth into the stain and blot it up. Salt breaks down the protein in blood and the stain will be gone with no damage to your carpet.

2. Are the pantyhose in your drawer a tangled mess? Boil mismatched hose in salty water and they will all come out the same color.

3. Spilled red wine can be difficult to remove. Cover the wine stain with salt. Rinse the fabric in cold water before washing and the stain will come out.

4. To remove grease stains from clothing, mix one part salt with four parts alcohol. Rub into the stain before washing.

5. Add a pinch of salt to whipping cream to make it whip up faster.

6. Also, add a pinch of salt to water before cooking eggs. They will boil faster.

7. And, gelatin sets more quickly when you add a pinch of salt.

8. Cleaning your fresh from the garden greens in salt water makes it easier to remove dirt.

9. Fresh fruits put in mildly salted water will not discolor

10. Ready to clean up the kitchen? Sprinkle salt in your oven before scrubbing it. Spills will wipe right up.

11. Soak discolored glass in a mixture of salt and vinegar solution to remove stains. them well. They won't drip when you burn them.

12. Drip proof candles. Soak new candles in a strong solution of salt water for a few hours. Dry them well. They won't drip when you burn them.

13. Add a dash of salt to the vase of water for fresh flowers. They will last longer.

14. Sprinkling salt between cracks in cement or between bricks will keep grass from growing there.

Carlene Rae Dater has been a writer of both fiction and non-fiction for over 25 years and has been published in a variety of genres. Writing, reading and talking about mysteries is her passion. Visit her mystery blog at: or view her published books at:

Carpet Cleaning Method For The Healthy Home

There are several methods of carpet cleaning available from several hundreds of carpet cleaning companies in San Diego County. There are the most inexpensive cleaning methods on the carpet cleaning company - low overhead or the most expensive cleaning method on the carpet cleaning company - high overhead.

Your low overhead methods are also very easy & require less amount of labor intensity. Your higher overhead methods require high labor intensity.

Is it rocket science that the high labor intensive method, high overhead method - Truckmounted Steam Cleaning cleans carpet rather than leave large amounts of soil & chemical residues in the carpet? Are Truck mounted carpet steam cleaners stupid & uneducated to take the higher road rather than the cheaper road?

I am an all method carpet cleaning company in San Diego - Miracle Services, Inc. I have used Dry Cleaning methods for years and I can give you an honest unbiased opinion. My tool box is complete with every tool for the job & I don't have to try & put a spin on my single tool/method to try & get you to buy off on it. I would love to work on a shoe string budget & put more money in my pocket but for business ethics & moral purposes I prefer to provide a true product of CLEAN!

Old 1950's technology is still being used today - Janitor Floor Buffers & old Shampoo Machines. Carpet warranties state that these other methods will void your warranty, you should read it. Ask yourself why in the world would they only recommend Truckmounted steam cleaning?

Sure the Dry Cleaning companies use the fear marketing that the Chemical-Dry Franchise started to scare the heck out of you - Soaked carpets for weeks & Mold! They have even gone as far as to state that the carpets will rot & shrink. Well, synthetic carpet will not shrink, it will not rot because it is organic & for that same reason it will not grow mold. True, cheap carpet cleaning companies with portable machines or even inexperienced cheap truckmount companies will not take the time to clean your carpets & remove all the water - you get what you pay for, too good to be prices are always too good to be true since time began.

Ironic that the same Chemical-Dry franchise company that now works for Home Depot now uses Truckmounted Steam Cleaning. Oh, they have changed the name so as not to be hypocritical to Hot Carbonated Extraction and use a Jet Rotary Extractor as many of us do but it is Truckmounted Steam Cleaning. Why did they go this route? Could it be that the cheap Dry Cleaning method did not work, consumers got tired of the carpets looking dirty again 2 days later & all the spots resurfacing? Could it be that too many consumers asked themselves "how does the dirt get removed"?

Yes, truck mounted steam cleaning with it's powerful gas engine, powerful solution pump, powerful postive displacenet vacuum pump, super hot water heater is the only to clean carpets - period. Why? To break down, suspend soils & extract them, bacteria, pollens, dust mites & you name it that is in your carpet stright out into the truck to take it away. You get carpets that are flushed free of chemical residues from the last Dry Cleaner and fresh carpets that have been totally rinsed & free of soil & residues.

What about wet carpet pads & sub floors? Yes, maybe back in 1960 when they used under powered portable machines & maybe still today from other cheap outfits that still operate like they did some 40 years ago. We Rapid Speed Dry all of our work plus we use high performance Truckmounts & High Performance Truckmount tools. The days of 3 day dry times are out the window, it is 2008! You will find that your professional Truckmounted Carpet cleaner will have your carpets dry in hours not days. We like to get out work dry by the time we leave or just close to it.

I bet you take your hair into the shower to clean it rather than mist on some cleaner & rub it in your head with a rag & claim it's clean with a great benefit that it dried right away. Same thing goes with Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning!

5 Ways To Make Your House Healthier Today

With the increase in health problems across the world, creating a healthy home has become a top priority. It is not uncommon to hear of allergies disappearing, rashes clearing up or headaches becoming a distant memory when a family takes charge of their environment. Here are 5 simple steps you can start taking today to make your house a healthy place to be.

1) Raid your pantry: If you have never thought about what you toss in your grocery cart you are in for an eye-opener. There are two big ingredients that destroy your health every time you consume them: Partially Hydrogenated Oils (trans fats) and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). If you have either of these anywhere in your house, trash them. Don't worry about the waste factor. You wouldn't want to pass on the "poison" to someone else. Trans fats are artery clogging fats that provide zero benefit to the body. Trans fats are created in a laboratory by adding extra hydrogens (hence the name partially hydrogented) to the existing fat molecule. This is done to extend the shelf life of food products. Monosodium Glutamate is a neurotoxin. Neuro means nerve and toxin means death. Nerve death is never a good thing primarily because your nerves cells don't grow back!

2) Make a menu and grocery list: By making a weekly menu with corresponding grocery list you are limiting what you buy. When you walk blindly into the store you are more likely to grab what sounds good at that moment and what is most convenient. Instant gratification and convenience almost always guarantees an unhealthy choice. Choose a cookbook with healthy recipes to create your menu from. The Sonoma Diet has fresh healthy recipes and daily meal plans. A cookbook with preplanned meals is a great springboard for creating a healthy habit. Once you have created your menu of all meals for the week go through the recipes and write down the ingredients you don't have. Making the list is the easy part. It's sticking to it that can take some practice. Just remember if you're shopping on the perimeter of the store your in the "healthy" zone.

3) Remove disposable diapers and disposable sanitary products: Disposable diapers contain known carcinogenic chemicals called Dioxin and Sodium Polyacrylate. Dioxin is created in the bleaching process and Sodium Polyacrylate is the gel crystals that absorb liquid in a diaper. Cloth diapers and cloth menstral pads are an economical, environmental and healthy alternative to disposable products. This transition is one of the more difficult ones. It can be confusing, overwhelming, and your mind is most likely racing with millions of faulty preconceived ideas. Reading other"s experiences and strategies on a blog like All About Cloth Diapers will set your fears and doubts to rest. With the internet today you can learn from other people's mistakes and drastically decrease the learning curve.

4) Inspect your cleaning products: Removing harmful chemicals like bleach, sodium lauryl sulfate, 1-4, Dioxane and Propylene Glycol are positive steps towards creating a healthy environment for your family. There are many "green" cleaning products on the market today making this transition an easy one. Some alternatives include: Ecover Dishwashing Detergent, Crunchy Clean Laundry Detergent, Burt's Bees Honey Milk Lotion, Kiss My Face Olive Oil soap, Clorox Green or Vinegar for countertops and windows. Make a list of all the cleaning products in your house and set goals for when you will phase the unhealthy out. It may take your 3-6 months to complete the task but every step brings you closer to a healthy house.

5)Drink more water and less soda: We've all heard the recommendation of 8 8oz glasses of water a day at minimum or else dehydration sets in. Whether or not this recommendation is accurate, the truth is drinking water is never bad (unless you are over doing it by the gallons). Transitioning your soda intake by reducing one at a time is the best start. Sodas have many harmful chemicals in them. Aside from the High Fructose Corn Syrup that spikes your blood sugar and predisposes you to diabetes, there is Phosphoric Acid. Phosphoric Acid leaches your bones of Phosphorous causing them to be more brittle. Next time you reach for that can of Coke, grab a glass of water instead.

Autumn Beck invites you to learn more about natural living by visiting her blog at:
Click Here for Cloth Diapering Strategies

Cleaning Glass Windows


Cleaning all the windows of your house is a big job, one that you're not going to carry out weekly. General consensus seems to be that cleaning your windows three times a year should be enough.

Tools and Cleaning Materials

A huge amount of time can be saved by using the proper tools. Many decide to use paper towels or old cloths to clean their windows, which can make smudges and streaking worse. Using steel wool, razors or other abrasive materials to get off caked dirt is also not a good idea - once your glass is scratched there is little to do besides replacing it.

Investing in a clean terry cloth, a combination washer and squeegee, a chamois and perhaps an extension for you squeegee (so you can reach those high windows) will really make a difference to your frustration levels when cleaning glass windows. If you're feeling really committed, you can consider buying more than one squeegee and customising them to fit any smaller or segmented windows you may have by cutting them smaller and sanding off the edges.

A simpler way to get that DIY buzz is to make your own glass cleaning solution. All you need is household vinegar and water, which you mix with a consistency of roughly 1:1. If you're using tinted or treated glass, however, it may be a better idea to mix them 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water, as too much vinegar can more easily damage tinted windows.


One of the best ways to diminish streaking when cleaning windows is simply to move through the process quickly. Keeping all your needed materials on hand will make this easier to do. If possible, you should also clean your windows when they aren't in direct sunlight, so that your cleaning solution doesn't dry on them too quickly.

After washing your window with your washer, you can use your squeegee, and starting from a corner, move your way vertically across the glass in an "S-shape". You can clean off any left over water in the corners with your chamois.

For removing tougher water and chemical stains from your glass, you can spray a thin coat of oven cleaner on the spot and leave it on for about an hour before washing it off - but be sure not to do this on cut or engraved glass.

Self-Cleaning Glass

Another option for cleaning your windows is not to! It's not tough to imagine that someone thought to develop windows that can keep themselves clean.
Self-cleaning glass has a microscopic coating that repels dirt, and also stops water from forming droplets on it - but rather has it run down in sheets across the glass, which keeps them clean as well. While this kind of glass is slightly more expensive, it can cut down on the time spent on your windows significantly!

Whatever your choices in keeping your windows clean, sparkling glass keeps your world view glistening!

About the Author
Pilkington Glass is one of the world's largest producers of glass and glazing products, and have also developed revolutionary Pilkington Activ Self-Cleaning Glass.

Article Source:

Friday, May 30, 2008

Get Spring Cleaning Tips

Call 3's Lynsey Paulo and Good Housekeeping introduce seven ways to welcome spring into your house.

Remove Hard Water Stains from Toilet Bowl

How to safely remove hard water stains from your toilet bowl without the use of harmful chemicals.